This is 7. From food to code, 7 is a number of mediums and forms curated by 7 designers. This exhibition is an exploration that brings a unique perspective of various topics. With planning, generating, and staging, these 7 mindsets brought 7 experiences into one space. As the designers, we invite you to immerse yourselves in our exhibition.
Come visit the Masters of Graphic Design Graduates Thesis Exhibition of Spring 2023, from April 24 - May 27 at Midway Artist Studios,.
Reception - May 19th, 6pm-8pm.
We are truly excited to show you the work we have created as individual artists over the course of our design program. Our exhibition features Kylie Rolston, Cyrus D'souza, Sherill Choong, Linna Liu, Erika Hall, Shreyanshi Satodia, and Ting-Yen Chen.